The Waterfall Trail is an approximately 1/3 mile, one-way trail to the base of Plattekill Falls. The trail begins at the trail junction in front of the informational kiosk just above the Red Cabin. From here the trail goes eastward and slopes downward to the edge of the clove and then turns and descends to the base of Plattekill Falls. CAUTION – this trail is narrow and descends through a steep gorge. Proper footwear (hiking boots or shoes) is required to safely navigate this trail. The trail ends at the base of Plattekill Falls. Hikers should be aware that swimming is prohibited in the waterfall. Return to the kiosk the same way you came.
The easterly two- and one-half miles of Town of Hunter Route 9, known as Platte Clove Mountain Road, is a seasonal limited use highway. It is tentatively scheduled to re-open at 4:30 PM on Friday, May 14, 2021. Normally the road reopens for the season on April 15th, however due to rock slides this year the road will reopen in mid-May. The road is accessible before May 14th from the west side.
Town of Hunter Platte Clove Closure Announcement