(ONLINE) Citizen Science: Webinar and Q&A
Join us on Wednesday, April 29th for a virtual Zoom webinar all about citizen science. Catskills Visitor Center staff members will talk about the value of species data collection and reporting by each and every one of us – learn how it can be a fun as well as valuable pursuit.
We’ll walk through how to use some of the popular citizen science and phenology applications on a computer or mobile platform and talk about how you can help by reporting species data the next time you’re at the Catskills Visitor Center!
The Zoom link can be found here, click it at 1pm to join the call: https://zoom.us/j/99297584924?pwd=ZTNMQ3VTMTRJMXQvcWFEY3VtSlpoZz09
Wednesday, April 29th, 2020
1 PM - 2 PM